Dangerous Trends in Feminism
Copyright 1976/2007 by John Lauritsen
talk was delivered to the Gay Academic Union Conference IV, New York
City, 1976. Despite my discomfort with some of the rhetoric I
used thirty years ago, I have made no changes in the text. I
hereby give permission to print out this document and to photocopy
it. However, it may not be published commercially without my
permission. My current views on Gay Liberation are found in my
book, A Freethinker's Primer of Male Love.
The early homosexual rights movement and the women's emancipation
movement were both part of a broader sexual reform movement in the
first three decades of the 20th century; they were regarded as comrade
struggles. This was also true in the gay liberation phase of our
movement, from the fall of 1969 onwards. I believe this is correct, and
that every progressive person should endorse the basic goals of both
movements — though to be sure, neither movement is a systematic
body of doctrine, and both movements have internal disagreements.
Unfortunately, some very serious problems have arisen. Self-proclaimed
feminists have acted in ways that were harmful to both gay liberation
and women's liberation, and reactionary ideas have been advanced under
the banner of feminism. I do not say these things were characteristic
of the women's movement as a whole; rather, they can be attributed to a
small, but highly publicized, minority.
criticism of male homosexuality and gay liberation has issued freely
from the feminist camp, there has been almost no reciprocal criticism
from gay men, not even in self defence. It has become almost taboo to
criticize anyone who identifies herself as a “feminist”.
Why have feminists enjoyed this virtual immunity from criticism? For a
number of reasons: Because most gay men really do support the women's
movement, and are therefore hesitant to attack a women's liberationist.
Because of a mood of guilt. Because feminists have so often demanded
that things they disagree with be censored, and have so often gotten
their way, that some men frankly are afraid of them. There is also an
element of traditional male gallantry. And finally, there is a
particular ideology which justifies the privileged status that
feminists enjoy within the Gay Academic Union and other gay groups.
to this ideology, the most basic division in society is not between
class and class, but between male and female; distinctions according to
gender are seen as far more important than distinctions based on wealth
and power. According to this ideology, there is a hierarchy of
oppression, with the oppression of women being the worst of all. It is
an oppression so profound, so mysterious, and so ineffable, that it
cannot even be described in concrete terms, as might other, lesser
forms of oppression.
to this ideology the oppression of homosexuals derives from
“sexism”, the foundation of which is male supremacy.
Homosexuals are oppressed because they, not being seen as “real
men and women”, violate the “sex-roles” which sexism
comprises. It follows that the oppression of male homosexuals is
essentially a by-product of female oppression, and that the liberation
of gay men must tail after the liberation of women. In effect, the gay
liberation movement becomes the fag end of the women's movement.
to this ideology, lesbians are doubly oppressed — both as
homosexuals and as women — where homosexual males are merely
singly oppressed. Gay men still enjoy a “male privilege”
because, according to a central dictum of radical feminism: ALL MEN
BENEFIT FROM THE OPPRESSION OF ALL WOMEN. So it would seem that gay men
are not really so badly off, and perhaps it would be better if they did
not devote their energies to repealing sodomy statutes and fighting
discrimination, because these goals if realized would simply give them
equality with straight men, thus objectively increasing the oppression
of women. Instead, gay men should spend their time “dealing with
their sexism”, which they acquired from having been born male,
and in learning how to “give up their male privilege”.
to this ideology, the best things gay men can do is to act as a
“men's auxiliary” for women's liberation, taking their cues
from feminists. And since men are the enemy, gay men should be willing
to enlist as agents in the fight against males and against maleness.
Enough of this ideology! Perhaps some of you thought I was just making
this up or being satirical. I assure you that the only original
formulation in my description was the term, “fag end”;
everything else was taken from current extreme feminist arguments.
There may be elements of truth in this ideology, but most of it is
clearly mistaken, and it would be fatal for the gay liberation movement
to adopt it. Certainly it is false to say that the oppression of
homosexual males is a trivial matter. It is false to say that a
perceived violation of sex-roles provides the explanation for our
oppression; there have been many societies, before and outside of
Judeo-Christendom, including male supremacist societies with rigidly
defined sex-roles, which nevertheless did not place a taboo on sex
between males.
At any rate, I am not convinced
that feminists should be exempted from critical judgment. I shall deal
with three main areas of contention: the first concerned with
disruptions and diversions, the second with censorship, and the third
with feminist bigotry against male homosexuality.
Disruptions and Diversions
I remember a number of such episodes in the early days of the Gay
Liberation Front, in the fall of 1969. Women we had never seen before
would come in and deliver tirades against the GLF men; they would say
that not only were gay men more sexist or more male chauvinist than
straight men, but men in GLF were among the worst of all. These charges
were unfair and untrue, for GLF had always been in solidarity with
women's liberation, and women had played leading roles in GLF from the
beginning — but such charges had a certain demoralizing effect.
Some of the men felt that rather than acting against our oppressors
— for example, picketing the Village Voice — or publishing the first gay liberation paper, Come Out! — instead we should turn our attention inward to confront the enemy which was: Ourselves!
At the first gay conference at Rutgers in 1970, the major panel on the
last day was disrupted by a group of women who demanded that all
proceedings come to a halt. They charged that the panel was
“elitist” and “sexist” (although half of the
panelists were women); their main ostensible grievance was that on a
table in the hall, provided for leaflets and free literature, were
copies of Gay newspaper, in which they had found a reproduction
of a beautiful, lush, reclining female nude, painted in the style of
classic romanticism. This, they charged, was designed to titillate men,
and was degrading to women. Overlooked was the fact that the picture
illustrated an article written by a lesbian, and that it was unlikely
the editors of Gay had intended to convert their male readers to heterosexuality.
The conference organizers were cruelly attacked, apparently for the sin
of not having policed and censored the free literature table. It was a
senseless, abusive, and thuggish disruption; the main organizer of the
conference was reduced to tears, and the women as well as the men on
the panel were moved to call the disrupters “fascists”, an
epithet that was not unjustified. For the most specious of reasons, a
beautiful and mellow gay conference — one of the very first
— had been turned into a nightmare.
could go on and on. I imagine most of the people in this room have
witnessed or read accounts of similar disruptions. There was the first
international gay liberation conference in Edinburgh, where women
discovered evidence of “sexism” and demanded that the
conference change its focus from legislative reform to
“confronting sexism”. Laws, they argued, only affected men,
and therefore it was sexist to concentrate upon things like repealing
sodomy statutes. A majority of the men went along with this demand, and
that was the end of an internationally coordinated campaign to change
the laws. It's amazing it should be considered trivial that after two
millennia, homosexual men are still criminals.
certain pattern emerges. The people in power do not like movements for
social change. When such movements are in their infancy, they will try
to destroy or divert them. When movements have grown large and viable,
then they will try to render them innocuous through co-optation.
It would have been inept for the ruling class to send someone into an
antiwar conference who would say: “Look here, folks, I'm from the
Council on Foreign Relations, and we don't like what you're doing. The
Vietnamese people are giving us a hard enough time over there, and we
don't want trouble on the home front. So forget about this
mobilization. Why don't you just break into small groups and discuss
That speech would not have been well received.
However, what could be done was to send in representatives of
“oppressed groups” — including blacks, women, and gay
liberationists — to charge the antiwar movement with being white,
male, middle class, racist, sexist, elitist, etc., and to demand that
it deal with these issues rather than trying to stop the war in
Southeast Asia.
I don't think we should get
paranoid over disruptions, for there exist sincerely motivated
disrupters — although I do feel that if one has something to say,
and is given an opportunity to say it, then it is at least poor tactics
to disrupt. My point is simply that we should not let ourselves be
diverted from the struggle, and that we should evaluate people's ideas
and actions on their merits, granting no privileged status on the basis
of membership in an “oppressed group”.
So far as “silencings” are concerned — disruptions
designed only to prevent someone from speaking — I am
categorically opposed to them, and this leads me to my second problem
area: Censorship.
Throughout its history, the sexual reform movement has had to wage a
fierce battle against censorship. So it is especially disturbing to see
demands for censorship advanced by a sector of the movement.
The situation is serious. The new censorship, advanced under the banner
of feminism, poses a threat to the gay liberation movement, the women's
liberation movement itself, and all other progressive movements. I am
convinced that the feminist movement is being used as a cat's-paw for
taking away our civil liberties. The immediate target for ostensibly
feminist censorship seems to be pornography — but pornography is
a stalking horse, behind which is political repression. And repression
is very much on the horizon in the United States. The Nixon Supreme
Court has steadily whittled away civil liberties; the death penalty has
been restored, and may soon claim its first victim for almost a decade;
the Senate bill, S-1, which would virtually repeal the Bill of Rights,
is waiting in the wings; new waves of censorship have swept across the
country; and everywhere the Ministry of Propaganda is creating an
atmosphere of violence and fear, which would justify imposing emergency
Law & Order measures. Things like this always occur in a period of
severe political and economic crisis, when the custodians of the system
perceive it may be in jeopardy.
Now, it would be
unfair to blame the women's movement as a whole for the censorship
problem. Only a relatively small number of “feminists” have
been proponents and practitioners of censorship, and it would be naive
to assume that all of these women were motivated by an honest
commitment to feminism, especially in light of recent disclosures of
such secret police programs as the FBI's “Cointelpro”.
A leading exponent of censorious feminism is Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape.
In tribute to her, I have coined the term,
“Brownmillerism”, which I define as the use of sexual
hysteria, in particular rape-fear, as a justification for repression.
The main characteristics of Brownmillerism are prudery, intolerance,
and irrationality. The immediate goals of Brownmillerism are censoring
pornography and reducing the legal rights of defendants in rape cases,
but it extends far beyond this. Brownmillerism helps to set up the
machinery of repression and to create an atmosphere favorable to
Brownmiller's book, Against Our Will (AOW)
has enjoyed an amazing success. Promoted to the hilt by the
establishment media, it became a Book of the Month Club selection and a
best seller. Nevertheless, AOW is a shoddy piece of work: ludicrously inaccurate, patently reactionary, dishonest, and vulgarly written.
Brownmiller portrays rape as an omnipresent danger to women, whereas in
fact it is a comparatively rare event; she argues that rape laws are
too lenient, whereas in fact the penalties for rape are second only to
those for murder in most states; she calls for reducing the evidentiary
requirements for conviction, even though many innocent men have been
executed after being falsely accused of rape. By special pleading,
falsification, and atrocity-mongering, Brownmiller strives to create an
atmosphere of hysteria and misinformation conducive to assaults upon
civil liberties, as well as to diverting the women's movement from its
rational priorities (according to the New York Times, rape has now
become the number one issue of the feminist movement, eclipsing such
former concerns as legal abortion and equal pay for equal work).
A long essay-review of mine on AOW and the rape question appeared in the Gay Liberator (Detroit, Spring 1976); I have copies of the review here, so I'll not go further into AOW now.
What is disturbing is the virtual absence of criticism. Two leading gay papers, Gay Community News and the Advocate, not only reviewed AOW favorably, but featured Susan Brownmiller's photograph on their front covers — this in spite of the fact that AOW contains obvious antihomosexual bigotry.
Critical reviews of AOW, all written by women, did appear in Esquire, Nation, the Militant, People's World, the Daily World, Women and Revolution, and the Libertarian Review, but these were a tiny minority compared to the accolades cranked out in the establishment press.
So far as I know, not a peep of criticism of AOW
appeared in the feminist press — a sad commentary on the feminist
movement's politics or its capacity to criticize a self-appointed
A striking instance of
Brownmillerism in action occurred in New York City last February
— an episode I'll call “The Snuff Hoax”.
What happened was that a rumor began circulating, according to which
there existed a genre of movies known as “snuff” movies.
“Snuff” movies, so the rumor went, were produced for the
titillation of depraved men; they featured the actual torture,
dismemberment, and murder of unsuspecting actresses.
Then a movie opened in New York City, entitled “Snuff”, and
advertising itself as “made in South America, where life is
cheap.” By this time, the rumor about “snuff”
movies had already been exposed as a hoax in the pages of Variety, Screw, and the Village Voice.
Nevertheless, a group of feminists began to organize protests against
the movie, claiming that the actress in it had actually been
dismembered and murdered. The rumor was fed on all sides. A
synthetically illiterate leaflet was passed out which began thus:
is a film made in Argentina where no less than 18 murders are
committed. Not acted out but in reality. Murders. People are actually
killed for profit.”
Karla Jay, in the Villager
(26 February 1976), first protested that she was a “‘hard
core’ civil libertarian”, and then wrote: “So what
did it take to make me help organize a protest, hit the barricades, and
demand that a movie be shut down? Literally murder. Yes, real women
have been dismembered, killed, and disemboweled....”
Deluded into believing that real murder had taken place, and that
therefore no First Amendment issue was involved, many New York liberals
signed a telegram sent to Manhattan District Attorney Robert
Morgenthau; it read as follows:
the undersigned citizens call upon you as District Attorney of
Manhattan to prosecute and to prevent presentation, distribution, and
advertising of the film “Snuff” now being shown at the
National Theatre in New York City. The film exhibits the violent
dismemberment and murder of a woman for the purpose of arousing sexual
interest. As citizens we demand the immediate investigation,
prosecution and removal of this barbaric film from our community.”
One might have expected a better written telegram from the New York
intelligentsia, but the thrust is clear; it calls for official
censorship, for strengthening the repressive apparatus of the State.
An article in Gay Community News (GCN)
gloated that the list of signers of the telegram read like a list of
“Who's Who” of the women's and gay communities in New York.
The first name on the list was Susan Brownmiller.
To his credit, DA Robert Morgenthau refused to prosecute the film,
insisting, correctly, that there was no legal basis for doing so. There
were a few other voices of sanity. The American Civil Liberties Union
refused to go along with the erst-while-liberal censors, and in
consequence, the ACLU itself came in for attack. Bella Abzug sent a
letter to the protest organizers, in which she said she would favor
picketing and so on, but “could not support a legal suppression
of the movie.” “I would not go along with official
censorship”, Abzug wrote, “because I think once it is
established, we in the women's movement or any other movement of
dissent will find ourselves victimized.”
Noe Goldwasser, writing in the Village Voice,
continued to expose the “Snuff delusion”, but to little
avail. Goldwasser wrote: “the so-called actual murder film is a
cheap-jack Manson take-off that had been in the can for three years ...
you can see more gore in ‘Taxi Driver’ and more sex in
‘Gidget Goes Hawaiian’.”
protest organizers escalated their demands. Since there was no legal
basis for prosecuting “Snuff”, they claimed that women in
NYC were defenceless. What was needed were some new censorship laws
which would protect the lives of women. They agitated accordingly.
For many weeks GCN
treated the “Snuff” protests as the number one gay action;
it gave front page coverage to the rantings of people like Lea Fritz,
who strongly attacked the ACLU, and who said such things as: “We
don't think the big money creeps should be able to foist their sick
eroticism on the rest of us!”
A temporary
madness swept through the gay community, affecting particularly those
who considered themselves “radicals”. The
“Snuff” protests were the cause of the moment, and to
criticize them meant ostracism. Everyone seemed to know a friend of a
friend who had seen “Snuff” and vouched that the
dismemberment and murder was real. They insisted I had no right to
speak until I had paid $4 and seen the film for myself. This,
fortunately, was not necessary; it was perfectly obvious from looking
at the stills outside the theatre that nothing but crude special
effects had been employed. What was supposed to be a dismembered hand
looked hardly more real than a pair of rubber gloves from the dime
store. And yet more than a thousand deluded protesters had filed past
these stills without perceiving the obvious.
The rumor died hard. Long after he should have known better, Allen Young, writing in GCN,
described “Snuff” as a movie “in which a women is
murdered in order to create a film of erotic entertainment.”
Eventually reality broke through. Robert Morgenthau, under pressure,
located the actress who had allegedly been dismembered in
“Snuff”. He found her in good spirits and, as he put it,
“in possession of all her appendages.”
Majority Report,
which had helped feed the real-murder rumor, was forced to eat crow. A
long article by Mary Lou Fox (MR 6-20 March 1976) exposed the hoax,
placing the blame for the rumor-mongering on almost everyone except the
protest organizers. The “Snuff” movie, she informed her
readers, had been made in Buenos Aires four years ago, for a mere
$33,000, and by a husband and wife team! The three minute dismemberment
scene was tacked on afterwards.
One sentence in
Fox's article struck me as poignant: “The truth of the
snuff-movie story seemed indisputable coming from so many sources at
A. Nolder Gay entered a dissenting opinion in GCN;
he summed the affair up: “Is ‘Snuff’ a gay issue? No,
but censorship is ... and twisting the bill of Rights in the winds of
immediate passion is, and increasing the powers of D.A.s is.”
There's no doubt that “Snuff” was a truly vile movie, and
offensive to women (though even more offensive movies were probably
playing at the same time). I think women should protest against
anti-woman bigotry — but succumbing to rumor-mongering and
hysteria, and calling for official censorship, is playing the game of
the enemy. If one is opposed to censorship, then one is opposed to
censoring even that which one finds vile and offensive.
Perhaps history will group the “Snuff” hoax along with such
episodes as the Flying Saucer delusion or the War of the Words panic;
perhaps, if one accepts, as I do, a more sinister interpretation,
history will class it with such fabrications as the “Protocols of
the Elders of Zion”, or the attribution of the Reichstag fire to
the Communists.
A glimpse of where Brownmillerism
and snuff-type hysteria lead was provided only a few weeks later, in
Chicago. On May 26, a new censorship board was set up there to deal, at
least in the beginning, with movies of violence. The immediate
inspiration for Mayor Daley's antiviolence law, according to an article
in the Guardian, was the public outcry against
“Snuff”. Members of the new censorship board are all
appointed by the Mayor, they average over 67 years of age, and their
main qualification seems to be that they are widows of Democratic Party
machine politicians.
The Guardian article
makes it clear that it is political radicalism, rather than violence,
that Daley is concerned with censoring, and that the board, if
unchecked, may be expected to extend its mandate. “Mayor Daley
himself told reporters the kind of film he had in mind when proposing
the ordinance was ‘Medium Cool’, Haskell Wexler's fictional
feature that included on-the-scene footage of [Daley's] police beating
demonstrators at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.”
Censorious feminism has also played a role within the gay liberation
movement itself. I have already described the incident at the first
Rutgers conference.
In the Gay Academic Union,
some feminists have demanded that panels on S&M, pederasty, and
transvestitism not be allowed at conferences, and more often than not,
their demands have been acceded to. A scholarly presentation on the
Marquis de Sade was censored last year — feminists felt it would
advocate sadism, and that that must not be permitted.
This kind of censorship — the censorship of ideas — is
offensive to every person of integrity. If we are opposed to someone's
ideas, then if anything we should wish to draw him into debate, so we
can counter his ideas with our own — assuming we have something
to say. This is known as dialogue, and it is through dialogue that
truth emerges.
This year in the Christopher
Street Liberation Day Committee, a few women (speaking for all women)
laid down a series of demands. First, women would march at the head of
the parade, to offset what they called “lesbian
invisibility”. Second, half of the marshals and speakers would
have to be women (actually, this had always been the case). Third, all
floats and speakers would have to be approved by a committee, which
would censor anything it found guilty of “sexism”,
“racism”, “classism” (whatever that is), and
perhaps some other “ism”. The main fear of these women was
that female impersonators would be allowed, either on floats or as

Maskenball im Kreis. "I knew you'd be coming!" Drawing by Mario de Graaf — published in February 1956 issue of the tri-lingual Swiss periodical, Der Kreis, which published continuously from 1932 to 1967.
For several years now, drag queans have
been special targets of feminist wrath. We gay men have been forcefully
told that if we support women's liberation, we must denounce and
repudiate everyone and everything connected with drag. The censorious
feminists claim that drag oppresses women — that it is a mockery
of women, misogyny, and a form of bigotry. If anyone feels I am
exaggerating the feminist position, then I urge him to read an article
in GCN (20 November 1976) by Karen Lindsey. Lindsey, who
identifies herself as a “straight woman”, delivers a
vicious attack against drag queans, and in the process engages in some
coy anti-male-
homosexual bigotry. She compares wearing drag to “sexual harassment”, pimping, rape, and wife-beating.
I am fascinated by one sentence of hers; she writes: “But when
men dress in spike heels, rhinestones, sheer stockings, and evening
gowns fitted with bustdarts, there is no room for doubt — or for
I have two questions for Ms. Lindsey. Number one:
“You say that there in no room for tolerance. May we know
specifically what forms of intolerance you would advocate?”
Number two: “Do you believe that Woman, the eternal feminine or whatever, comprises such things spike heels and rhinestones?”
The time has come to defend transvestites. On the level of personal
freedom, I say that if women have the right to dress like drag queans,
then drag queans should have the right to dress like women. Many states
and communities still have laws prohibiting
“cross-dressing”, and little enough has been done to get
rid of these medieval absurdities. Beyond this, I think we must
question whether there be any justification for the current feminist
vendetta against drag queans.
Now, the
transvestite issue is not a simple one. Superficially it is true that
most transvestites are straight; it is also true that the vast majority
of gay men have no desire to put on women's clothes, and are at least
as “virile” as the average, exclusively heterosexual man
(though perhaps less rigidly “masculine”).
On the other hand, it is also true that drag has long been a part of
the gay subculture. When gay men get together for a really fun and
special occasion — now, as in the 19th or 18th centuries —
costumes and drag may well be a part of the festivities. Drag and drag
queans are a part of the gay world, whether one likes it or not. One
may believe that the gay world as we know it now is part of our
oppression, and I agree up to a point. But I suggest that in drawing up
a blueprint for a liberated future, there is a danger of falling into
puritanism in the present.
Why drag? Well, gay
men have a sense of humor, a unique sense of humor, known as
“camp”; it is part of our heritage. And at the heart of
camp is a mockery of the situation we find ourselves in, our
predicament as homosexuals. And so camp, among other things, includes a
mockery of sex-roles, a mockery of taboos, a mockery of danger, a
mockery of condemnation.
If gay men have survived
the worst oppression that Christendom had to offer, we owe something to
camp. For most of the Christian era, the Church and State have not
recognized our right to live — not even our right to exist. And
yet the gay men who escaped the Executioner often came out strong and
more creative than the straights. I would like to believe that even in
the dungeons of the Inquisition, men were camping. I would like to
believe that even in Nazi concentration camps, the men with the pink
triangle gave each other courage by camping.
is considered to be a form of camp, and it is. Drag is the most extreme
mockery of sex-roles, the most extreme exposé of how arbitrary
most of the real-man/real-woman divisions are. To be sure, there is
high as well as low camp, and good as well as bad camp. But at its
best, drag is very good camp indeed.
claims to the contrary, what a drag quean parodies is not women, but
culturally dictated sex-roles — sex-roles which are themselves
oppressive to women. In anything, by demonstrating the arbitrariness
and absurdity of traditional sex-roles, female impersonators, far from
being oppressive to women, may actually serve as consciousness raisers
aiding the liberation of women.
I think some of
the feminist rage against transvestites can be explained by a denial of
the element of self-oppression involved in playing traditional
sex-roles. So far, gay liberationists have been more willing than
feminists to analyze the ways we contribute to our own oppression;
immediately Carl Wittman's Gay Manifesto and Andrew Hodges's and David Hutter's With Downcast Gays
come to mind. Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique and the protests at
the Miss America Pageant seemed to promise a women's analysis of
self-oppression, but lately the feminist movement has opted for a
men-are-the-enemy-period sort of pseudo-radicalism.
Karen Lindsey in the GCN
article claims that women adopt traditional sex-roles, and dress the
way they do, only because they are forced to do so by men; in her
words: “It is men who determine what is fit apparel for men and
women, reserving to themselves what is functional and assigning to
women styles that conform to male fantasy and power needs.”
I find this hard to believe. Surely women have some responsibility for
their actions. Do men really force women to wear rhinestones? Spike
heels? It seems to me that any woman who is determined can walk into a
store and buy a comfortable pair of shoes. Who forces them to buy spike
heels? Do men really enjoy walking with a woman who has to totter along
like a cripple? Similarly, if a woman is oppressed by cosmetics, then I
suggest that liberation lies no further away than the nearest sink,
with the aid of a little soap and water.
Now, who
is supposed to be hurt by drag queans? Women? How many women have ever
even seen a drag quean? If they did see one, what would happen? Would
they suffer? The only group of transvestites that really do harm others
are ecclesiastical transvestites — that is to say, priests,
bishops, cardinals, and popes — but so far the feminists have
shown no inclination to attack ecclesiastical transvestitism.
If anybody at all is hurt by drag queans, it would surely be gay men,
or so I believed at one time. Since the stereotyped image of a
homosexual man is a man who wants to act and look like a woman, I
believed that drag queans tended to reinforce the stereotype.
I have changed my opinion. If, to use Mencken's term, “Boobus
Americanus” wishes to believe in the stereotype, they I'm sure he
will do so, with or without the aid of transvestites. I now believe
that transvestites should not merely be tolerated, but actually
encouraged to do as they please. If they want to dress up and carry on,
then why not? We only live once.
In the very
early days of the Gay Liberation Front, we made the decision that
transvestites would be as welcome as anyone else. Unlike the
“homophile” movement, we were not so concerned with
respectability that we would turn away any of our gay brothers and
When I entered the gay world, many years
ago in Boston, I had a hard enough time of it, though I had certain
advantages. It was drag queans in a seedy Boston cafeteria, the
“Bick”, who first let me laugh at things which had been the
torment of adolescence. I laughed till I cried — and after that
it was easier. I would expand the Nietzschean aphorism to say:
“Oh my brothers: Camp! and be hard!”
I have also known sensitive young men who did not have my advantages
— who had run away from fathers who beat them and mothers who
cursed them — who were not intellectuals — who had no
assets other than a sudden will to be themselves. They did not know
what it meant to be “gay”, so they plucked their eyebrows,
or set their hair; they wore an earring, or a necklace; they sullied
their complexion with makeup; or they wore something that put them
beyond the pale of masculine normalcy. They were naive.
Usually the phase passed, especially if they were fortunate enough to
acquire a friend or lover who accepted them as they essentially were,
without the extreme role-playing or accoutrements of either butch or
It frightens me to think that such a young
man, assailed by doubts and fears, facing pitfalls and dangers on every
side, might be subjected to further cruelty from gay men who have been
influenced by the censorious feminists. We must be firm. Not only must
we reject without qualification the claim that drag queans oppress
women, we must also make sure than none of our brothers are hurt
through malice instigated by the censorious feminists. Our lifestyle is
none of their business.
At this point I'm sure we
are sick of censorship. What is really disgusting about the censorious
feminists is that they trample on the memory of the many women in the
freethought and sexual reform movements who courageously battled
against censorship over the last century. One thinks of women like
Annie Besant, Margaret Sanger, Martha Ruben-Wolfe, Emma Goldman. How
appalled they would be to see the things now being done under the
banner of feminism!
Prohibiting and censoring
will be the death of our movement. Our struggle is to get out our own
ideas, not to suppress the ideas of others. I share the faith of Thomas
Paine, who concluded his Age of Reason by saying: “When opinions
are free, either in matters of government or religion, truth will
finally and powerfully prevail.”
Feminist Bigotry Against Male Homosexuality
To continue the story of this year's Christopher Street Liberation Day:
every one of the women's demands was agreed to. Women were at the head
of the Gay Pride march, and women with bullhorns cleared the area of
male interlopers. In this contingent, two women marched with a banner
proclaiming: “Cocksucking Causes Cancer!” Despite the
vaunted concern with censoring “sexism”, apparently none of
the other women in the contingent suggested to these sisters that they
were marching in the wrong parade.
The phrase,
“cocksucking causes cancer”, is from a poem entitled
“Cut the cock”, which appeared in the quarterly journal,
Dyke (“To be sold to and shared by women only!”). Here are
some lines from “Cut the Cock”:
Cocksucking can cause cancer
cockclimbers better watch their step
on the ladder to suck-cess-pool
cause the cockclock is running out of ticktock
and when the woman revolution comes
there ain't gonna be no pawn shop
where an old cocksucker can hock a cock...
No comment on the poem, but I do find it reprehensible that the gay
press has hidden its head in the sand and pretended that the poem never
was published.
Recently I have been reading and
rereading many of the major feminist writings, and have come across
much prejudice against male homosexuality. Sometimes feminist bigotry
against male homosexuals is obvious and crude, as in the poem; usually
it is more subtle. Basically, the feminist writers deny the validity of
male love; they insist on treating it as the product of misogyny,
rejection or fear of women.
(Some of the feminist
works I criticize have merit, despite their prejudice against male
homosexuality. Specifically, Phyllis Chessler's Women and Madness is moving and informative; the Redstockings anthology, Feminist Revolution,
is valuable for its accounts of how the women's movement has been
diverted and coopted, as well as for its principled exposé of
Gloria Steinem's links to the CIA; and there are things to be learned
from Shulamith Firestone's Dialectic of Sex and even Kate Millett's much overrated Sexual Politics.)
A blatant example is provided by Leslie B. Tanner, in her article,
“On Being Natural”, which appeared in the popular
anthology, Voices From Women's Liberation. Tanner writes about male fear of women, and she works up to these two sentences:
Christian tradition — based on male anxiety from the Hebrew
tradition — takes the fear of the female to even greater
extremes. During the Middle Ages celibacy (which is related to rear of
the female) produced such strong anxieties that both self-castration
and sodomy existed.”
This is clear enough: if it were not for a pathological fear of women,
a terrible thing like sodomy would never happen. Tanner is also
conveying the impression that sodomy is a form of emasculation.
Of course the notion that male homosexuality is caused by a fear of
women is a stock-in-trade of such psychiatric quacks as Drs. Bergler,
Bieber, Kardiner et al. — but then these people are men, so we've
been allowed to criticize them.
What feminist
writers seem totally unable to comprehend is the validity of all-male
attachments — the great desire and need men have for the
companionship, friendship, and love of other men. The feminists cannot
see male fellowship as a positive thing; to them it can only be
misogyny, a rejection and exclusion of women, a form of segregation.
Whereas a gay liberationist would say that men in our culture are
alienated in their affection for each other, some feminists believe
that men are too close to each other already.
am not exaggerating the feminist position, and urge everyone to read
Carol Hanisch's article, “Men's Liberation”, from the
Redstockings anthology, Feminist Revolution; it is most
instructive. Hanisch writes in a very clear, succinct, and
straightforward manner; there is never any doubt what she is saying.
The essence of her argument is that men's liberation groups are a
reactionary development; that it is absurd to imagine that men are
oppressed by the prevailing sex-roles, because all men profit from the
oppression of all women; that therefore men have nothing to be
liberated from. When she gets to homosexuality, Hanisch has this to say:
liberationists always bring up ‘confronting their own feelings
about men’ by which they mean homosexuality. Male homosexuality
is an extension of the reactionary club) meaning both group and
weapon). The growth of gay liberation carries contempt for women to the
ultimate: total segregation. The desire of men to ‘explore their
homosexuality’ really means encouraging the possibility of
homosexuality as a reaction against feminist demands. This is the
reason the movement for “gay rights” received much more
support only after women's liberation became a mass movement.”
The prejudice against male homosexuality contained in Kate Millett's highly influential book, Sexual Politics,
is worse than that in Carol Hanisch's article, but it is more
insidious. Millett's style is muddled and affected, and her bigotry
emerges more in little digs and innuendoes than in direct statement.
To Millett, there is nothing positive about male relationships; they
are simply power relationships. Either more powerful males exert
dominance over weaker males, degrading them to the status of females,
and deriving a peculiar satisfaction from bullyism; or males gang
together to consolidate their power over women.
In Millett's world, men do not really like each other; it is only the
sexual politics of the patriarchy that makes them spend so much time
Millett extends the term, “men's
house culture”, referring to an institution in some primitive
societies, to apply to all men's associations. She tosses in the Nazis,
underworld thugs, Norman Mailer's U.S. Army, and some primitive sadism,
in such a way as to imply that all men's groups are somehow fascistic
in character.
Describing the men's house
institution in Melanesia, Millett writes: “They reek of physical
exertion, violence, the aura of the kill, and the throb of homosexual
sentiment.” And then later: “Untried youths become
the erotic interest of their elders and betters, a relationship also
encountered in the Samurai order, in oriental priesthoods, and in the
Greek gymnasium.” And again: “The tone and ethos of
men's house culture is sadistic, power-oriented, and latently [sic] homosexual....”
When things get lumped together this way, a lot gets lost. How can one
equate Greek pederasty with the crude sadism of a primitive people?
— Greek pederasty with its pedagogical relationship, its concern
with the imparting of knowledge and wisdom, its noble code of ethics.
To Millett, the sexual activity that takes place in the “men's
house” is not quite real: it is either sadism or a sort of
surrogate heterosexuality. She writes:
sexual activity does take place in the men's house, all of it, needless
to say, homosexual. But the taboo against homosexual behavior (at least
among equals) is almost universally of far stronger force than the
impulse and tends to effect a rechannelling of the libido into
In reading Millett, it is sometimes necessary to stop and disentangle
the things she has mixed together. Notice how she slipped in the
assertion that the taboo on all-male sex is almost universal. This is
certainly not true, in historical perspective; if the taboo on male
homosexuality were indeed a universal, then we might reasonably infer
there must be something wrong about it.
gets to her point, that “men's house” homosexuality doesn't
really count as homosexuality. Her writing is an extreme muddle here
— very, very tricky:
negative and militaristic coloring of such men's house homosexuality as
does exist, is of course by no means the whole character of homosexual
sensibility. [Thanks for nothing!] Indeed, the warrior caste
[sic] of mind with its ultravirility, is more incipiently homosexual,
in its exclusively male orientation, than it is overtly homosexual.
(The Nazi experience is an extreme case in point here.) And the
heterosexual role-playing indulged in, and still more persuasively, the
contempt in which the younger, softer, or more ‘feminine’
members are held, is proof that the actual ethos is misogynist, or
perversely rather than positively heterosexual. The true inspiration of
men's house association therefore comes from the patriarchal situation
rather than from any circumstances inherent in the homo-amorous
A real mess, wasn't it, with Nazism thrown in and everything jumbled
together? But we get the thrust of her argument: Men's house
attachments occur only because of misogyny, only because of
heterosexual default. It is a camouflaged version of the old notion
that male homosexuality equals a rejection of women. It is also close
to the “pseudohomosexuality” theories of such psychiatric
charlatans as Lionel Ovesy.
It is especially
regrettable that Millett links Nazism to homosexuality, since we in gay
liberation have worked so hard to undo the “fascist
perversion” myth — the notion that homosexuality and Nazism
go together — a myth that is the opposite of the truth.
Millett is distinctly hostile to the possibility of genuine male friendship. She writes:
of the glamorization of masculine comradery in warfare originates in
what one might designate as ‘the men's house sensibility’.
Its sadistic and brutalizing aspects are disguised in military glory
and a particularly cloying species of masculine sentimentality. A great
deal of our culture partakes of this tradition, and one might locate
its first statement in Western literature in the heroic intimacy of
Patroclus and Achilles.”
We note the phrase, “particularly cloying species of masculine
sentimentality”. Millet's language really gives here away here.
Was the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus really
“cloying” or “sentimental”? For that matter, is
there a single line in the Iliad that is either cloying or sentimental? Frankly, I resent Millett's snide attacks on male friendship, of which there are many.
Millett's hostility towards male friendship comes out most clearly in
her chapter on D.H. Lawrence, a treatment that can fairly be described
as vicious. The tenderest moments in Lawrence's novels, his attempts to
describe the need men have for deep male friendship and male love,
receive only ridicule and contempt from her pen. Her plot synopses are
grotesque, both for their inaccuracies and for the animus that pervades
them. If anyone thinks I am being overly harsh, I suggest a simple
test. Read her chapter on D.H. Lawrence, especially her synopsis of Women in Love. Read Women in Love — a wonderful novel — and then draw your own conclusions.
At this point, to go through more feminist writers would involve mostly
repetition, for the same themes occur over and over. Phyllis Chessler,
in her book, Women and Madness, also puts forward the thesis
that male homosexuality is an expression of misogyny. She also links
male homosexuality to militarism and ridicules the
“‘glorious’ tradition” of male homosexuality.
Susan Brownmiller in Against Our Will blurs together voluntary homosexual acts and homosexual rape; it appears that to her, both are equally horrible.
Shulamith Firestone's book, The Dialectic of Sex,
contains many nasty little digs against male homosexuality. Firestone
accepts the Freudian Oedipal complex theory on the aetiology of male
homosexuality. She also holds the extraordinary notion that men cannot
be erotic objects, and that the female body is intrinsically more
Actually, some of the very worst
bigotry has come from men claiming to represent feminism. In this camp
are the handful of men who call themselves “effeminists”
and publish the expensively produced and synthetically pathological
magazine, Double-F. Another male feminist is John Stoltenberg, whose article, “Toward Gender Justice”, appeared in WIN
magazine (20 March 1975). Stoltenberg attacks all of the goals of the
gay liberation movement, claiming that if realized they would only give
gay men equality with straight men; he puts forward the propositions
that males concerned with “gender justice” should embrace
“a total repudiation of masculinity” (including a
repudiation of erections and pelvic thrusts during sex), and a total
repudiation of male relationships. Stoltenberg posits a
“patriarchal taboo against unbonding”, which is insidiously
counter to the truth: what is tabooed in our culture is precisely the
desublimation of the male bond; the taboo is on fully realizing eros
between males. Stoltenberg deserves only our contempt when he dismisses
the yearning men have for male affection by writing: “...all he
was ever programmed to long for in relationship with men connects at
its center to a process that keeps women oppressed.”
A curious double standard exists whereby feminists see all-female
groups, publications, etc. as a necessary part of their movement, but
would deny men a similar privilege. Again we are grateful to Carol
Hanisch for providing us with a clear rationale for this double
standard. According to Hanisch, men's groups exist in order for men to
consolidate their power over women. She writes: “They are a
breading ground for updating male supremacist theory and strategy for
‘handling’ the growing feminist movement.” Hanisch
justifies the feminist double standard with this remarkable sentence:
“All-male groups are more of the same segregation that women's
liberation all-female groups exist to put an end to.”
Some — though not all — of the feminist writers are so bent
on eliminating what they see as “segregation”, that they
would abolish one-sex groupings altogether, as well as all sexual
divisions. If they had their way, there would not exist any one-sex
spheres whatever. Needless to say, this would mean the eradication of
homosexuality. An extreme representative of this viewpoint is Shulamith
Firestone, who looks forward to a future where every institution
segregating the sexes would be destroyed, and even the gestation of
human embryos would take place in machines rather than in the wombs of
women. Everything would be homogenized. There would be total and
uniform heterosociality; if homosexual couplings did occur, it would be
on a random and arbitrary basis.
This is not my
view of the future. I think that we are still animals, like it or not,
and that it is entirely fitting for the female of our species to give
birth to the young. I think that men must learn to love men, and women
to love women. No doubt under conditions of freedom, the evolved men
and women of the future will make their own decisions, but I feel
certain there will be some areas of life where both men and women will
prefer to be in the company of their own kind.
Despite all of the sorry particulars I have related, I still believe
that women's liberation and gay liberation should be seen as comrade
I think the women should take a hard
and critical look at the extreme feminist wing of their movement; parts
of it have become the worst enemy of women's liberation. I think women
should fight for full economic, political, and sexual equality with
men, and that they should take action against anti-woman bigotry. There
is a time to demonstrate, to picket, to march; there is a time to raise
hell — but prudery, intolerance, and censorship have no place in
any progressive movement.
The rest of my conclusion I address to the men:
Brothers: We have work to do for our own liberation, and we must not be diverted from the struggle.
must not let our historic oppression be trivialized. We were stoned to
death by the Jews; put to the sword, castrated, and tortured by the
Christians; burned at the stake by the Inquisition. We were the men
with the pink triangle. We are the ones being persecuted right now in
Chile, in Argentina, in cuba, and in the United States. It is male love
that has been under the most powerful taboo of all Judeo-Christian
culture: an offence worse than murder, the “abominable
crime”, the “unspeakable crime”, the “sin so
horrible it is not to be mentioned among Christians”.
We must affirm the validity and beauty of male companionship, male friendship, and male love. We must defend our heritage.
We must recognize our enemies wherever we find them. Nobody's ideas and nobody's actions should be exempted from criticism.
If men and women cannot work together in the gay liberation movement in
a comradely fashion, then it would be better to work separately. This
would be a shame, but the lesbian movement has already become largely
autonomous, and perhaps they are right.
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